• Tasty
  • Granulated and low in dust
  • High concetration of active ingredients
  • Great nutrient availability

PANTO® mineral feed for cattle

are granulated and tasty. They reliably meet the needs of animals of all performance levels. High-yielding cows, low group and dry cows, calves and young animals as well as bulls are just as optimally supplied with minerals, trace elements and vitamins. The different types of rations, feeding and drinking conditions are supplemented as required.

Example recommendations and features

High yielding cows
UniversalPANTO® R56• dry + dairy cows
• low Ca
• high magnesium
Grass and corn balancedPANTO® R61Ca:P = 4:1
Rapeseed basedPANTO® R77• without P
• more iodine
Winter feedingPANTO® R67ß-carotine
GrazingPANTO® R63 Wmore magnesium
Dry cowsPANTO® R66• Ca:P = 0,05:1
• more magnesium
Iron-rich waterPANTO® R68• more zinc
• highly available copper
Protein deficitPANTO® R73with urea
High performance cowsPANTO® R83• biotin
• vitamin E
• niacin
• B-Vitamins
EcologicalPANTO® R Ökowith eco certificate
Suckler cows, young cattle
PANTO® R57• Ca:P = 11,5:1
• vitamins
Corn silage fatteningPANTO® B71• Ca:P = 5:1
• vitamin B1
• more magnesium
Development to the ruminantPANTO® K86• yeast
• B vitamins
• biotin

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